League of Legends ranked promos set to be removed in Season 11

Andrew Amos

Sick of making it to your promos, only to lose in heartbreaking fashion and remain in the same rank? Starting from Season 11, this could change, with Riot looking to remove League ranked promos for next year.

Riot have looked to improving ranked in a number of ways for League of Legends Season 10. Implementing autofill and duo parity has made teams more balanced, while not affecting queue times too drastically.

They are looking to take things a step further next year though. With a host of changes planned, ranked will look like a different place in Season 11. The biggest change they are looking at implementing though is the removal of ranked promos.

LoL ranked promos to go in Season 11

In a June 1 blog post, League of Legends Competitive Gameplay Lead Cody “Codebear” Germain said that Riot are looking at pushing more improvements to ranked queues after a solid start in Season 10.

This includes removing promotion series from the game, something which has plagued ranked warriors since being introduced in Season 3.

LoL ranked promos to Grandmaster
Ranked promotion series could be on their way out in League Season 11.

“It’s looking likely that we’ll be removing inter-division promotions to reduce frustration of seemingly hitting a wall when you know you’ve been playing well,” he said.

The news will be joy to the ears of many League players. Nothing is worse than hitting a nice win streak to get to your promos, before the wheels fall off and you end up worse off than when you started.

However with the removal of promotions, Riot are also looking at demotion protections. If it’s going to be easier to go up, they’ll make it easier to fall back down too.

“This means we’ll also need to look at inter-division demotion protections to make sure that players are able to get where they should be in both directions without false limitations,” Codebear added.

With the removal of promotions, demotion shields might be going too.

This could mean a total return to the Elo system, like back in Seasons 1 and 2. Other games like Overwatch and Rainbow Six: Siege utilise the Elo ranked system nowadays, and it’s generally well-received.

Riot are also planning on making changes to ranked rewards, Victorious skin recognition, organized group play, and Flex queue restrictions. Preseason 11 is expected to begin in November 2020.