League of Legends skin would give Vel’Koz the best Battle Boss design yet

Alan Bernal

A League of Legends fan was “disappointed” that Riot Games were slow to make an updated design for Vel’Koz so they took it upon themselves to create a new look with epic results.

The League of Legends developers have a huge backlog of champions to make skins for, but sometimes that means some characters fall back in the pecking order for months — and in some cases maybe even years!

This seems to be the case for the Eye of the Void who seems to be in a dry spell when it comes to new and exciting skins for fans to play as.

Alice2004014’s take on Vel’Koz with a Battle Bass skin.

To remedy this, user ‘alice2004014’ debuted their illustration for an incredible Battle Boss Vel’Koz skin that would instantly be a fan favorite for players, regardless if they play the champion or not.

The concept completely transforms the menacing creature of the Void by giving it a charming 8-bit eye with a crown over it. Furthermore, Vel’Koz now has floating hands instead of its tentacles that reminded some people of the classic Super Smash Bros. boss, Master Hand.

“Ah, I love all of this!” user ‘sleepycharlie’ said. “The skills and emotes made me especially happy. I love the idea of the hands too. It feels like a play on SSB Master Hand, but following the Battle Boss theme.”

alice2004014 via RedditAlice2004014 has some quick “doodles” of how Battle Boss Vel’Koz’s abilities would look like.

Alice2004014 even included how Vel’Koz’s ability kit would transform with the skin, revealing some of the most unique animations for an alternate design to date.

But a lot of fans were more taken with the included emotes and dances that Battle Boss Vel’Koz would have. The animations would include a “thinking” emote, a Rock Paper Scissors animation showing an infinite tie, and a dance showing Vel’Koz using his fingers to simulate steps.

The emotes for Battle Boss Vel’Koz alone are a great reason to introduce this skin to the game.

Are more Battle Boss skins on the way?

Although Vel’Koz isn’t in line for a new skin, let alone this awesome Battle Boss design, Riot Games are releasing more entries into the popular collection.

Riot GamesKai’Sa and other popular champs are in line for “Arcade” skins!

The next batch of “Arcade” skins will be coming for Kai’Sa, Caitlyn Yasuo and upcoming champion Qiyana.

With a healthy lot of designs coming to the skin line, it might be a while before Riot adds. But when they do, this Vel’Koz skin would be a prime candidate to include.