League players find hidden Kassadin buff that wasn’t in patch notes
Riot GamesKassadin’s win rate has been steadily climbing over the past patch or two, with players uncertain why. As it turns out, he got a pretty substantial buff that wasn’t listed in any patch notes.
With how often League of Legends‘ many champions, items, and mechanics get tweaked for the sake of game balance, it can be complicated to keep up with how many changes there are to the game.
That said, it’s rare that a buff gets put into the game that isn’t listed in the patch at all. While some quality of life changes can be functionally buffs, every change tends to be put in the notes.
However, League players have noticed that a Kassadin buff was rolled out in a recent patch that, while changed in-game, wasn’t listed in the patch notes and has gone under the radar for a month.
Kassadin gets secret buff in League of Legends
Kassadin is a champion whose history in League of Legends is a troubled one. Back when his Q silenced in the game’s early seasons, he was an absolute monster and a first pick/first ban worthy champion.
Since being nerfed substantially, he’s become more of a ranked monster that trades early-game power for near-unstoppable late-game scaling and some of the highest mobility in the game with his ultimate.
However, with his win rate climbing in high-ranked matches, players have been left wondering what changed to make Kassadin stronger if he hasn’t been changed in recent patches. But, as it turns out, he has been changed.
Reddit user EvilSwarak started the conversation, pointing out that Kassadin’s ultimate got a 20% buff to its AP ratio without being listed in patch notes. This put some Redditors into a frenzy to find out whether or not this change was included in the notes with no one having noticed.
According to another user, this buff was not only not included in the notes, but it was likely implemented earlier than patch 13.16.
“Actually in 13.15 according to what I can gather from his spell data. That also checks out with this winrate increase right at the start of August (13.15 dropped August 2nd).” user Caenen_ explained. “I’ll see what context I can gather, maybe it’s a buff they planned but decided not to ship that got into the PBE build anyway. Or something else entirely.”
Even those running the League of Legends wiki have been left scratching their heads, with Riftwalk’s 13.15 buff being listed as “undocumented” on the site.
Players have been left unsure of the nature of this buff and whether or not it’s something that was intended or if it’s something left over from Riot testing buffs to the champ.