LoL devs rush out Aurora patch to apologize for “whiplash” nerfs

Liam Ho
battle Bunny Aurora Splash Art

League of Legends devs have issued a new micropatch for Aurora, giving the champion multiple buffs and also apologized for nerfing the character too hard and giving players “whiplash.”

The newest champion in League of Legends has been on the live server for a bit now, with players able to get their hands on the character to try them out. Aurora, the solo lane mage from the Frejlord, promises a bursty kite playstyle that relies on using her invisibility, movement speed, and healing to outclass her opponents.

Like most newly released champions, Aurora was a tad on the strong side, prompting the devs to nerf her kit down in Patch 14.15. Not only that, but a hotfix on 2 August saw even more nerfs to Aurora, reducing her base armor, damage from her passive, and damage from her Q.

It seems Riot might’ve gone a bit overboard with the nerf bat this time around, as a developer has come forward to apologize for the “whiplash” they’ve caused players, introducing some nice buffs that are more than welcome for Aurora players.

Lead champion designer Riot Squad5lol came forward on Twitter to showcase the buffs to Aurora, including an increase in her AP ratios for her passive, a cooldown revert on her Q, and increased damage to minions on her Q.

These buffs are partially reverts of the previous nerfs, meaning that she’ll definitely still be weaker than before; however, hopefully, the changes incentivize players to pick her up.

According to League of Legends stat website, Aurora has a 6.77% pick rate and a 50.06% win rate.

Stat wise this is already pretty good for a new champion, especially since many players are still learning the ins and outs of her kit.

This may mean we see further nerfs in the future, but maybe not quite at the same breakneck pace.