LoL patch 14.17 notes: AP jungle nerfs, Warmog’s nerfs & more

Liam Ho
Spirit Blossom Lillia Splash Art League of Legends

Patch 14.17 is coming to League of Legends very soon, and as such we’re learning all about the changes Riot has planned to make to the MOBA. Here’s the early patch notes for League of Legends patch 14.17.

Two weeks means a new patch for Riot Game’s beloved MOBA. Patch 14.17 in League of Legends aims to make new changes to the MOBA, particularly when balancing the game’s roster.

With over 160 champions, unique items, passives, roles, matchups, and more, it’s a tough challenge for developers.

The new patch aims to make some pretty major changes to the MOBA, especially to champions and systems for professional play, as Worlds 2024 will be played on patch 14.18.

When does League Patch 14.17 go live?

League of Legends Patch 14.17 is expected to go live on August 28, 2024, according to Riot’s patch schedule. Patch 14.17 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.

Here are the key timings of Patch 14.17 for your server:

  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 5 AM GMT (EUW)
  • 3 AM CET (EUNE)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)

When patching begins, there’ll be a few hours of downtime, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline approximately three hours beforehand.

What’s changing in League patch 14.17?

AP DoT jungle nerfs

Brand splash art
Burn junglers like Brand and Lillia have been nerfed to try and tone down magical junglers’ relevance in the meta.

Champions like Brand and Lillia have massively benefited from the introduction of item Fated Ashes, and its legendary version Blackfire Torch. This item has massively helped their clear speed and damage and has resulted in them being nerfed multiple times.

They’re both pro play staples, and they’ve been nerfed going into worlds. It’s up in the air as to whether or not Brand will be able to jungle at all after this.

The official patch notes on Riot’s site didn’t mention these nerfs, but devs have confirmed they’ll be going live on the patch.

Changes for Worlds 2024

Outside of the AP jungle changes, Riot is making some pretty heavy swings at champions to either bring their power up or down for Worlds 2024. Champions like Caitlyn, Kindred, Ryze and Twisted Fate are all being buffed, while staples Ashe, Ezreal and Sylas are being nerfed.

League of Legends patch 14.17 early notes



Base Stats

  • Base HP reduced: 640 >>> 610


R: Between Worlds

  • Base damage reduced: 200/325/450 >>> 175/275/375


Passive: Blaze

  • Damage over time large monster cap reduced: 80 >>> 30
  • Damage cap to monsters for explosion added: 250/325/400/475 at levels 1/6/11/16


Base Stats

  • Attack speed ratio increased: 0.594 >>> 0.610

W: Yordle Snap Trap

  • Cooldown reduced: 30/24/19/15/12 >>> 26/22/18/14/10


Base Stats

  • Base AD reduced: 60 >>> 62


Q: End of the Line

  • Cooldown reduced: 13-7 seconds >>> 13-6 seconds
  • Q1 initial damage increased: 45/60/75/90/105 >>> 45/65/85/105/125


Passive: Voracity

  • AP ratio reduced: 70/80/90/100 >>> 60/70/80/90 at levels 1/6/11/16
  • This nerf was pulled in the final version of the patch in exchanged for a nerf to her Q.

Q: Bouncing Blade

  • Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+45% AP) ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220 (+40% AP)


Q: Thundering Shuriken

  • AP ratio reduced: 85% >>> 75%


Q: Rain of Arrows

  • Attack speed increased: 30% >>> 35%

E: Mounting Dread

  • Flat damage scaling increased: 80/100/120/140/160 +80% bonus AD >>> 80/110/140/170/200 +100% bonus AD
  • Cooldown reduced: 14/13/12/11/10 >>> 14/12.5/11/9.5/8


Q: Sigil of Malice

  • AP ratio reduced: 45% >>> 40%

W: Distortion

  • AP ratio reduced: 75% >>> 70%


Passive: Dream Laden Bough

  • Monster damage cap reduced: 70-150 >>> 70-100


Q: Ice Shard

  • Damage increased: 80/110/140/170/200 >>> 80/115/150/185/220

R: Frozen Tomb

  • Slow increased: 30/45/75% >>> 45/60/75%


Base Stats

  • Base armor reduced: 47 >>> 43


Passive: Junkyard Titan

  • Max health damage reduced: 6% >>> 5%


Q: Overload

  • Base Magic Damage increased: 70/90/110/130/150 >>> 75/95/115/135/155

R: Realm Warp

  • Cooldown: 210/180/150 >>> 180/160/140


Q: Piercing Darkness

  • Heal reduced: 40/60/80/100/120 +80% AP >>> 40/55/70/85/100 +60% AP

R: Dawning Shadow

  • AP shield ratio reduced: 70% >>> 50%


W: Surround Sound

  • Base shield reduced: 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 60/80/100/120/140
  • Cooldown changed: 22-18 seconds >>> 22 seconds flat


W: Kingslayer

  • Damage AP ratio reduced: 70% >>> 60%

Twisted Fate

Q: Wild Cards

  • Base damage increased: 60/100/140/180/220 >>> 60/105/150/195/240


Q: Piercing Arrow

  • Max damage changed: 15/70/125/180/235 (+125/130/135/140/145% Total AD) ⇒ 90/160/230/300/370 (+150/160/170/180/190% Bonus AD)

E: Hail of Arrows

  • Bonus AD ratio increased: 90% >>> 110%


Celestial Opposition

  • Slow reduced: 60% for 2 seconds >>> 50% for 1.5 seconds

Warmog’s Armor

  • Price increased: 3100 >>> 3300
  • Warmog’s Heart movement speed reduced: 10% >>> 5%


Absorb Life

  • Heal on kill reduced:
    • Levels 1-5: 1-5 >>> 1-2
    • Levels 6-10: 6-11 >>> 3-7
    • Levels 11-18: 12-23 >>> 9-23

Cut Down

  • Damage threshold increased: 50% health >>> 60% health

Fleet Footwork

  • Heal reduced: 5-120 >>> 5-100
  • Movement speed reduced: 20% for 1.25 seconds >>> 15% for 1 second