LoL players astounded by “shocking” ranked auto-fill stats
Riot GamesThe League of Legends player base has been astounded after discovering the “shocking” level of auto-fills in their ranked queues.
League of Legends is an entirely competitive game. The MOBA pits two teams of five against one another and is entirely about which team is better, whoever breaks the enemy team’s nexus first is crowned champion.
As such, you always want to be trying your best to outsmart, outplay, and outmaneuver the enemy team. This often means putting your best foot forward by playing roles that are familiar and comfortable to you. However, that’s not always the case with matchmaking, as players need to be auto-filled from time to time to keep queues quick.
This can be detrimental to your team’s chances of winning, as being in an unfamiliar role puts you at a severe disadvantage when compared to the enemy team. That’s why players were so astounded when they saw how high the number of auto-fills there was per game.
According to Riot’s September 23 dev update, the number of games that had two to three auto-filled players was around 10-15%, now, that number has significantly dropped to less than one percent. Despite the good news, players were astounded by the sheer amount of games that had numerous auto-fills.
“Is anyone else floored by how awful the matchmaking was prior to this change?” a “shocking” Reddit post asked. “The fact that 1 in 7 games had a discrepancy of TWO or MORE auto-filled players is so unbalanced I can’t believe it was even that bad in the first place.”
Others were just outright surprised at this outrageous fact.
“I tend to lean pro-Riot for this sub’s standards but that is one of the most outrageous things about ranked I’ve ever heard.” they agreed.
Many pointed out that both support and jungle were by far the least sought-after roles, meaning people in those roles are often only there because they were auto-filled.
“What’s unreal is the data revealed jungle and support are even worse popularity-wise than what I expected. Which means those roles will continue to be overtuned forever.” one pointed out.
Riot has made several strides in the past and continues to iterate to improve the quality of matches across the board in their MOBA, so hopefully this is something of the past, and players can continue to grab the role they want.