LoL Pro DoubleLift hopes TSM Never Finds Success After Dropping Him

League of Legends pro Peter ‘DoubleLift’ Peng hopes his former teammates never find success again.

While on stream, DoubleLift called out the TSM roster and managed to sneak in a jab against CLG as well.

No stranger to trash talk, Team Liquid’s DoubleLift did not hold back when discussing his former teams, leaving no doubt how he feels about them going forward.

CLG also suffered the wrath of DoubleLift, getting unexpectedly roasted.

They kicked me off of CLG and then, they never really found success again.

CLG won the 2015 Summer Split with DoubleLift on the roster.

Although they have a few top 4 placings and a runner up finish, CLG has not won a major LAN event since DoubleLift left.

He then turned his attention to TSM, echoing the thoughts he had on CLG.

I hope TSM kicks me off and they never find success again. Honestly, I do.

TSM dropped DoubleLift in November of 2017.

DoubleLift’s hopes have come true so far as the 2018 Spring Split saw TSM failing to reach the semifinals of the NA LCS for the first time in team history.

As fate would have it, the Spring Split of the NA LCS was won by Team Liquid, led by their new player – Double Lift.

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