Riot respond to game-breaking bug with new League champion Samira

Daniel Cleary
New league of legends champion Samira posing

Riot developers have responded to a bizarre bug with the upcoming League of Legends champion, Samira, which is causing players’ games to crash in PBE.

Following the addition of Yone and Lillia in the Spirit Blossom event, Samira has now been announced as the 151st champion coming to League of Legends.

The new “Assassin marksman” is expected to arrive with Patch 10.19, on September 16, but until then the champion has been made available on Riot’s beta servers (PBE) for testing.

Although there were many players eager to try the new champ ahead of her full release, a strange bug has been found which is crashing games for those playing as Samira.

These unusual game crashes would force League players to disconnect, sending them straight back to the main lobby multiple times during a game.

League of Legends YouTuber Vandiril uploaded a video to highlight this bizarre bug, claiming that it was the reason that Samira has since been disabled in the PBE servers.

The YouTuber shared how frustrating it could be in Summoner’s Rift, having to reconnect every minute or so, however, in League’s One-for-All playlist, with ten Samira players in the lobby, Vandiril revealed that the game would end instantly, giving the victory over to a random team.

While these issues have fans concerned over the state of the new champion, Riot has now responded to this game-breaking bug with Samira, ahead of her full release.

League of Legends dev Porosite explained that they have been aware of the crashes in PBE but kept her enabled for so long to gather more data on what could be causing the issue.

He claimed that the development team now has “enough to work with” and will be aiming to fix all problems before her expected patch 10.19 release.