TFT dev Mortdog reveals big new LaserCorp changes coming in patch 13.2

Liam Ho
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TFT developer Mortdog recently revealed some big changes that are coming to the LaserCorps trait in TFT: Monsters Attack and we’ve got the early rundown on what to expect.

TFT is a game that’s consistently changing. With frequent updates and the meta constantly shifting, TFT seems to always have new comps and strategies for players to experiment with.

Therefore it’s no surprise that Gameplay Director of TFT, Mortdog, has revealed some new changes coming with patch 13.2 of TFT: Monsters Attack.

Mortdog specifically mentioned the LaserCorps trait being reworked, stating that the “rework is about making the trait feel better… what you’re gonna notice is that the percent chance to proc it is gone, it’s just going to proc a lot. It should hopefully look and feel a lot cooler”.

LaserCorp Rework Details

The LaserCorp trait now reads as:

When a LaserCorp agent attacks or is hit by an attack, their combat drone deals magic damage to the agent’s target (0.4-second cooldown). When a LaserCorp agent dies, their drone is reassigned to the nearest living agent.

Drone lasers deal:

  • (3) 30 magic damage
  • (5) 50 magic damage
  • (7) 80 magic damage
  • (9) 100 magic damage, and each agent gets a 2nd drone

These are pretty big changes to Laser Corp, as not only does it change the way in which their trait worked by removing the percent chance. It also changes the breakpoints at which the trait activates, going to 3, 5, 7, and 9 as opposed to 3, 6, and then 9.

The changes are currently on Riot’s public beta environment for testing and should head to the live servers around patch 13.2 which is when we’ll be able to mess around with the newly reworked LaserCorp trait.