Tyler1 delivers hilarious tutorial behind his signature League rage scream

Lawrence Scotti
tyler1 scream

Twitch star Tyler1 gave his viewers an expert tutorial on how to deliver the perfect scream, a move he’s become famous for by raging at League of Legends.

When it comes to streamers who are well-known for raging at the smallest thing in games, Tyler1 jumps right to the top of the list. He’s raged at Fortnite dances, but is more known for roasting League of Legends.

During a stream on October 22, T1 was watching a Worlds 2021 promotional video when he noticed a fairly lackluster scream from one of its contestants.

Cloud9’s jungler Blaber was at the forefront of the video, delivering a scream to hype up his teammates and fans heading into their big matchup vs. Gen.G. Tyler had some critiques of Blaber’s screaming form and shared some pointers on how to scream at maximum rage.

Tyler1 Top Lane LoL Challenge
Tyler1 is known for his rage moments while streaming League of Legends.

Tyler1 scream tutorial

When Tyler watched Blaber’s screaming technique, he had to step in and teach him proper form.

He said: “It comes out weak. You gotta put your head up, you start from the bottom of the throat. Plus, I can tell he’s just holding his mouth open. He’s not even yelling.”

Tyler mocked Blaber’s fake scream multiple times and noted his hands aren’t closed while screaming, something that is a crucial part of any proper screaming form.

The streamer noted: “You close your hands! This [hands open] isn’t natural. You always close the fist.”

Tyler concluded his thoughts on the scream and said: “You gotta get some better choreographers in there, man.”

T1 has built his career on delivering ear-shattering screams and hilarious fits of rage on his Twitch channel. If there is anybody to take screaming advice from, it’s T1.