All unreleased Lost Ark classes: Summoner, Aeromancer, Reaper & more

Alex Garton
Unreleased classes Lost Ark

The Eastern version of Lost Ark has eight extra classes that are yet to be released in the West, but how do they play, and what abilities are they equipped with?

On release, the Western version of Lost Ark arrived with 15 different sub-classes for players to select and choose from, each offering completely unique playstyles.

Despite this huge amount of choice, there are still seven unreleased classes from the Eastern version of the game that Smilegate is keeping on the back burner until a later date.

Of course, this has got the community hyped up, as it means the developers have plenty of content ready and in the pipeline to release in the near future.

However, with these mysterious classes being out of reach for the majority of players on the Western servers, we decided to outline exactly how all of Lost Ark’s unreleased specializations play.



Aeromancer Class Lost Ark
The Aeromancer Class in Lost Ark.

Very little is known about the Aeromancer at the moment as it has only been teased with a few images, but we do know the class revolves around controlling weather and climate change with an umbrella.


Artist Class Lost Ark
The Artist class in Lost Ark.

A hybrid support and damage dealer, the Artist uses ink and paint-themed attacks to deal damage to their foes.

With an Ultimate ability that paints a blossom tree on the floor before making it explode and displace all enemies, this is definitely a class worth testing out when it finally arrives.


Reaper Class Lost Ark
The Reaper class in Lost Ark.

A stealth-based Assassin sub-class that weaves invisibility with lightning-fast blade attacks, the Reaper is a force to be reckoned with.

Capable summoning clones as well, this is ideal if you’re looking to trick your enemies and potentially play mind games in PvP.

Berserker (Female)

Berserker female Lost Ark
Players will be able to create a female Berserker in the future.

While not being a completely new class, the female Berserker is lined up for a 2022 release date in Korea, meaning it could be arriving in the East very soon.

Unfortunately, the West is a little far behind Korea in terms of updates, so it’s hard to know when the female Berserker will arrive, but we know it’s definitely in the pipeline.


Summoner Class Lost Ark
The Summoner Class in Lost Ark.

Originally set to be a class that was intended to launch with the Western version of the game before its spot was taken by the Sorceress, the Summoner is a specialization that focuses on channeling elementals to take on their opponents.

With a countless array of creatures and beings to summon, this class is an incredible twist on the typical mage formula.


Scouter Class Lost Ark
The Scouter class in Lost Ark.

Although there’s already a wide range of varied Gunner classes, there’s nothing in the Western version that compares to the futuristic Scouter.

Utilizing a devastating EXO suit fit with lasers and missiles, the Scouter is the Iron Man of Lost Ark – and even has a drone to assist them in battle.

With some of the most mind-blowing animations in-game, this is definitely a spec for those that aren’t looking to play the typical fantasy classes.

It’s worth noting the powerful Arcanist arrived in the July patch, so don’t forget to jump into the game and test out the new Mage yourself.

So, there you have it, that’s everything we know about all of the unreleased classes coming to Lost Ark in the future. Be sure to check out the following guides at Dexerto:

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