MTG Modern Horizons 3 ruby meta card spikes 1000% in price

Jack Bye
MTG Birgi Ruby Storm

MTG’s meta has been hit hard by Modern Horizons 3, with Ruby Storm making a name for itself as one of the best-performing decks. A previously overlooked card from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms – Wish – has experienced a huge price spike as players have realized how well it works in Ruby Storm.

As with Horizons sets before it, Modern Horizons 3 has had a huge impact on the MTG meta across multiple formats. Horizons sets always come packed with stand-out cards that many players will flock to right away, and Modern Horizons 3 is no different.

From the Eldrazi archetype experiencing incredible price spikes thanks to its huge array of new support for overpowered Commanders like Nadu, Winged Wisdom, causing mana-cheap equipment to skyrocket, Modern Horizons 3 has already set the bar high for players looking to keep up with current new decks.

Now, Ruby Storm is having a significant impact on the price of red mana cards that can fit into the deck. Modern Horizons 3’s incredible flip-walker, Ral, Monsoon Mage has been climbing in price ever since the set’s pre-release.

Modern Horizons 3 Wish for Ruby Storm

Alongside cards like Ral that have defined the deck from the beginning, MTG players realized that the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms card Wish fits surprisingly well with Ruby Storm’s game plan. As a result, copies have suddenly shot up from around $0.80 to as much as $14.49 on MTGPlayer, with a median price of $9.26.

While many cards in the deck focus on its storm count gameplan, racking up mana and draws before taking opponents out with a big burst of burn damage all at once, Wish helps sure up Ruby Storm’s consistency and survivability. The card acts as a flexible search for removal, protection, or a whole host of other sideboard options.

Ruby Storm is certainly having its moment in the MTG meta, and we expect its key cards to continue to rise in price until players have worked out a consistent counter to this powerful strategy.

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