MTG’s new Discover mechanic leads to huge price spike for exile cards

Jack Bye
MTG Discover pirate trove

MTG Lost Caverns of Ixalan’s Discover mechanic leads to huge price spike for Exile cards.

Discover is the latest trend causing MTG cards to spike in price, as players have discovered just how powerful the ability is.

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan is causing a ruckus among MTG players, as one of its key mechanics is proving to be incredibly powerful.

Discover is an ability that harkens back to the powerful Cascade, with both abilities allowing players to exile cards from their library and cast a specific find for free.

Many MTG players were hoping that Discover would be a ‘fixed’ version of Cascade. In truth, Discover and Cascade each have their strengths and limitations, but the advantage generated by either cannot be denied.

Discover is boosted by MTG’s powerful exile cards

MTG Jurassic World discover card

While Discover is a powerful ability in its own right, it’s being pushed over the edge by the number of synergistic options MTG has for exiling cards, particularly in red

Cards like Passionate Archeologist were sitting around the $5 mark on average before The Lost Caverns’ release. But thanks to Discover, Passionate Archeologist has quadrupled in price, selling for upwards of $20.

Discover’s popularity is thanks in part to The Lost Caverns of Ixalan’s Veloci-RAMP-tor Commander deck. This deck is particularly strong and consistent for a pre-con, with its Commander allowing for easy access to Discover and powerful dinosaur-filled fields.

Exile-influencing cards that may once have found a home in Commander decks like Prosper, Tome-Bound are being snapped up and added to decks based around Discover. It remains to be seen if this ability will shape MTG going forward, or if prices will eventually settle once the hype dies down.

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