Marvel Rivals’ best Rocket Raccoon challenges Ninja with money on the line

Carver Fisher
rocket raccoon vs ninja in marvel rivals

NoDamageRocket, a player who managed to get Rocket Raccoon into the top ranks without dealing a single point of damage, has challenged Ninja to a solo queue climb face off with money on the line just to prove the streamer wrong about his hero.

Unfortunately, NoDamageRocket is now 22DamageRocket after a solo queue mishap, but his identity as a player still stands: He has set out to prove you don’t have to deal damage to win games, and he’s succeeded.

By being impossible to kill and playing solely to support his team, this player has healbotted his way to the top of the ranks. In stark contrast, Ninja has claimed that playing this way will lose your team the game.

So, the man himself challenged Ninja to see who could climb faster with donations to charity on the line to see who’s really right.

Ninja’s support rant sparks Marvel Rivals challenge

Ninja has had his fair share of rants through his time playing Marvel Rivals, but he’s had some great insight in some of them, particularly in a past point about Storm being super strong in Season 1.

When looking at the account of NoDamageRocket, the streamer claimed that people playing like that are losing their team the game due to focusing solely on healing.

“If you are a Rocket and you do not use your left click, you are losing your team the game. I promise you, I promise you, dude. You’re losing your team the game,” Ninja explained when looking at NoDamageRocket’s profile.

He explained that Rocket’s left click does a lot more damage than you’d think, and that not using it is an active detriment to your team, especially when other supports can deal a ton of damage.

NoDamageRocket replied, putting his money where his mouth is and calling Ninja out on it. As if hitting GM wasn’t enough, he challenged Ninja to a race to prove that he could beat him to the game’s highest ranks without dealing damage.

Rocket hasn’t made it clear how much money he’d donate to charity, but he is willing to undertake a challenge: Race to top 500, him playing with his signature playstyle while Ninja can do whatever he wants.

And, to be fair, it’s not like the streamer unbound his left click. The way he dealt his accidental 22 damage was taking out a player deployable. NoDamageRocket does deal damage, he just doesn’t hit players. There’s a distinction.

Ninja has yet to respond to Rocket’s challenge at the time of writing, but the pacifist streamer is dead set on proving the Twitch icon wring about his healbot playstyle.