Slept-on Marvel Rivals hero has potential to end triple support meta
NetEase GamesThe triple healer meta has been a suffocating one in high-level Marvel Rivals play, with many asking for balance adjustments to keep game-changing ults like Luna Snow’s or Cloak and Dagger’s from stopping the game in its tracks.
While these ults don’t make heroes entirely invulnerable to damage, they might as well be. Even something like Punisher’s ultimate can’t shred through the healing of Rivals’ most potent healing ults, with these abilities effectively stalling the game for their entire duration. This meta is already growing old.
There is, however, one ultimate that solves this problem. One ultimate that, if players can figure out how to use effectively, has the potential to break open not only the oppressive heal meta, but also counter the game’s most oppressive DPS.
This hero is Scarlet Witch.
Scarlet Witch is Marvel Rivals’ most underused hero
Yes, Scarlet Witch is widely regarded as a hero that’s good for nothing but pure noobs, someone who’s relatively easy to counter and doesn’t do enough burst damage to stack up with other heroes.
Outside of a few character specialists, she has almost no presence in high-level play and gets left behind for meta DPS heroes like Wolverine, Storm, Hela, and Namor. If you’re looking at things from the perspective of sheer DPS, Wanda falls behind.
However, the tier list has been thrown in our faces before. Hulk and Wolverine were once thought to be some of the game’s worst heroes, but they’re now some of the game’s most banned characters in high-level play and have been dominating the meta.
If triple support team compositions continue to be the norm at the top levels, Scarlet Witch may be the best counter for two reasons.
First off, her ult is the only ability in the game that one-shot through support ults outside of Iron Man’s heavily telegraphed Pulse Bomb. Due to MR not having any sort of anti-heal at the moment outside of Doctor Strange’s passive, people are exceedingly comfortable with running headlong into battle if they’ve got a Luna or Cloak and Dagger ult keeping them alive.
In fact, these heroes are so popular that Loki has begun to fill the gaps. Whichever busted support ult gets through that completely stops fights, whether that be Luna, C&D, or Invisible Woman, he just takes it.
If Loki steals Luna’s ult for instance, their ults comboed together makes a team almost impossible to kill for 24 seconds.
Scarlet Witch’s ult cuts right through all of it. If she’s paired with Invisible Woman, she can’t be seen by anyone outside the ult, making it impossible to push forward. Even if she doesn’t get any kills, the mere sound of her ult can stop an enemy push in its tracks.
When paired with Magneto’s shield that can keep her from being CCed out of her ult, Scarlet Witch is the best tool for stopping the healer meta in its tracks – whether you nuke the entire enemy team outright or zone them off of a point. You’ll often see Scarlet Witch players in high MMR play around corners and use LOS to their advantage, using their ult as a tool to zone or split up a team rather than a pure damage ult.
If you’ve been playing MR since launch, you’ll know Wolverine wasn’t great until people learned he was meant to combat tanks. Scarlet Witch is set up to have the very same influence on support team comps.
Wanda has one other huge thing going for her: She’s very, very hard to kill.
She has complete invulnerability on a fairly short cooldown with 2 charges, meaning that high-level players are in a position where they can immediately react to ults that would immediately kill most other heroes.
Ults like Moon Knight’s, Doctor Strange’s, and Storm’s don’t give you much time to react, but a player with high awareness and quick reflexes can easily avoid getting killed where other heroes have no way to escape. In the case of Storm’s ult in particular, Wanda can shred right through her ult shield and kill her outright.
Not to mention Scarlet Witch’s Chaos Control makes her very difficult to get on top of. Tossing this ability on yourself while you’re getting dived makes it very difficult for melee-focused heroes to stick to you. She can also use this stun in tight choke points to keep the enemy from advancing.
She may not be meta now, but Scarlet Witch getting written off as a “bad” hero early on in Marvel Rivals’ life cycle may come back to bite players who thought she wasn’t worth picking.
If there’s one hero who can blow the meta open and stop heal-focused rush comps in their tracks, it’s Scarlet Witch.