Marvel Snap devs outline plans for weekly balance updates moving forward

Brad Norton
Marvel Snap artwork

Marvel Snap players can expect far more frequent updates to the popular CCG moving forward as Second Dinner has unveiled plans for weekly balance changes to come.

Ever since Marvel Snap’s full release at the tail end of 2022, new updates have been somewhat sporadic. While content drops arrive at a regular cadence with each passing month, balance updates don’t quite follow that trend.

Seemingly at random, the game is hit with fairly minor adjustments every few weeks if we’re lucky. Considerably hefty changes have been few and far between, as staple picks and meta deck types have largely gone untouched through the early months of 2023. However, that’s all set to change.

Following a surprise hotfix on April 6, Second Dinner revealed its plans for the near future, with weekly balance updates now locked in for Marvel Snap, much to the delight of the community.

Marvel Snap artwork
More frequent balance updates are on the way to Marvel Snap.

“Starting with our upcoming April patch–currently scheduled for April 18, we’ll be making weekly changes to cards in the game,” devs announced in the latest blog. Now, each and every Thursday moving forward, fans can expect at least a handful of card changes to keep the meta fresh in Marvel Snap.

Not only that, but more sizeable reworks and card overhauls are still expected to arrive as part of the monthly updates too, meaning fans can expect the best of both worlds as the year rolls on.

“We know this is just the sort of balance attention and prioritization that many of you have clamored for, so thanks for your passionate feedback!”

As noted above, these weekly changes will be more focused on specific numerical changes, leaving the more drastic text changes and card reworks to the monthly updates instead. “You can expect weekly Thursday changes to be numbers-only,” devs explained.

On top of that, these weekly adjustments won’t purely be to nerf the most powerful cards of any given week. In fact, devs guaranteed “at least one buff in each of these updates” with a target of “2-4 cards” being tweaked every week.

Marvel Snap Bundles
Many of the game’s most powerful cards will now be under the microscope more often.

With a minor hotfix already out the door on April 6, that leaves a 12-day gap until fans can expect the next Marvel Snap patch. However, from that day forward, we now know for certain multiple cards will be nerfed or buffed every single week ahead.