What is Channeling in Minecraft: Enchantment explained

Tyler Constable
An image of a Trident in Minecraft that players can use the channeling enchantment on.

In Minecraft, players have access to various enchantments, each serving distinct purposes, and, Channeling stands out for its utility in combat. Here’s everything you need to know about Channeling in Minecraft and how to get it.

Dealing with hordes of enemies while exploring a new Minecraft seed can be daunting, especially if you’re not in the mood for a battle. Luckily, there are several tools at your disposal to aid you in combat, with Channeling being a particularly effective enchantment against mobs.

Channeling can only be used with a specific type of item, however, and the enchantment will only work in certain weather circumstances in the game. It’s also quite a rare enchantment so it may take a while to find.

If you want to know exactly how to obtain Channeling in Minecraft, and what it can be used for, we’ve got you covered in this guide.


An image of the channeling enchantment being used in Minecraft.

What is Channeling in Minecraft

Channeling is a Trident enchantment in Minecraft that will imbue the weapon with Lightning.

The Channeling Enchantment calls down a lightning bolt from the sky when a Trident is thrown at a mob during a thunderstorm. In short, it can make a powerful weapon even more devastating. The lightning bolt will follow up the Trident’s initial attack, dealing even more damage to your enemies.

The enchantment will only work if all the requirements are met, however, so it can only be activated during a thunderstorm and the mob must be standing on land that’s exposed to the open sky – otherwise, the lightning bolt won’t be summoned.

How to get the Channeling enchantment in Minecraft

The channeling enchantment can be obtained in a variety of ways in Minecraft once you’ve got your hands on an enchantment book which requires x1 book and x3 Lapis Lazuli. Here are all the ways you can find the enchanted book in the game:

  • There’s a chance to obtain the enchanted book by fishing.
  • It can be found in chests in dungeons and non-village overworld structures.
  • You may be able to purchase the book from Library Villagers.
  • Finally, it can occasionally be found in Raid drops.

How to use Channeling in Minecraft

Once you have the enchanted book, you’ll need a Trident to execute the Channeling enchantment. You should note that Channeling can only be imbued with a Trident.

Defeating a drowned is the only way to get a Trident in Minecraft. They have a drop rate of around 8 %, which might seem low, but if you kill enough drowned, there’s a chance you’ll get your hands on a Trident.

Place the enchanted book and the Trident on an anvil to imbue the Trident with the Channeling enchantment. Notably, some enchantments like Riptide are incompatible with Channeling, so you cannot use them both simultaneously.

Channeling Advancements in Minecraft

You can use the Channeling enchantment to get two Advancements, these are:

  • Surge Protector: To get the Surge Protector Advancement, you need to protect a villager from an unexpected shock, which can be lightning created by your enchanted Trident. Get a villager to follow you into an open area exposed to the rain. Place a lightning rod near the villager. Next, target the villager with your Channeling Trident and throw it, summoning the lightning bolt to strike them.

  • Very Very Frightening: You can get the Very Very Frightening enchantment by striking a villager with a lightning rod, which can be created by a Channeling imbued Trident.

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