How to level up fast in Monster Hunter Now

Nathan Ellingsworth
A monster roars and waves it's horns in the middle of a city

Grab your Great Sword and get battling beasts, in our guide covering how to level up fast in Monster Hunter Now. Don’t forget your Palico.

Niantic is the company behind the juggernaut game Pokemon Go, but recently the developer has teamed up with Capcom to deliver a different kind of monster-mobile title. Monster Hunter Now takes Capcom’s beast-bashing franchise to the streets, and you’d better get good if you want any hope of taking down a Rathian.

Monster Hunter Now works much like console entries of this series, as you explore the real world to find monsters, and then battle them to receive monster parts you can craft into even more powerful weapons and armor.

It’s a really satisfying gameplay loop, and we love taking down large lizards around the world, but much like any Monster Hunter title, it’s often a bit tough to level up. So if you want to learn how to level up fast in Monster Hunter Now, we explain it all in this guide.

How to get XP, level up quickly, and reach a higher Hunter Rank in Monster Hunter Now

Monster Hunter Now fighting


Defeating Monsters

The easiest and most consistent way to earn XP (or Hunter Rank Points/HRP as Monster Hunter Now calls it) and increase Hunter Rank in Monster Hunter Now is simply by continuing to battle monsters. In Monster Hunter Now you earn XP every time you defeat a monster. Each monster has a different star rating, starting at one star and reaching eight stars. Plus, you earn more XP with more powerful monsters. You can find a breakdown of each monster rank and the XP you earn below.

  • 1* Monster – 10 HRP
  • 2* Monster – 20 HRP
  • 3* Monster – 40 HRP
  • 4* Monster – 60 HRP
  • 5* Monster – 80 HRP
  • 6* Monster – 100 HRP

You can grab three First-Aid Med potions daily, but otherwise, healing will cost you a regular potion, which you can only purchase by using or buying in-game currency. We recommend crafting and equipping your best Monster Hunter Now weapons and armor, and then getting out there to battle some tough monsters daily. But if you’re low on potions, maybe just polish off some easier low-star monsters to farm HRP instead of passing out and waiting to recover.

Story Quests

Monster Hunter Now has a story mode, and it contains multiple quests you complete and then slowly unlock new monsters, increased difficulty, and more game mechanics. The story quests range from easy tasks like gathering items, battling small monsters, or occasionally taking out specific big monsters like a Barroth or a Tobi-Kadachi. We recommend steadily working your way through the story quests to earn HRP.

Special Quests

Alongside story quests are special quests, a daily list of challenges you can complete to earn more HRP and increase your Hunter Rank. Most special quests reward you with 200 HRP, and there are three a day, so complete these to earn at least 600 HRP daily. Be sure to keep an eye out for other events as well, because additional promotions like the Monster Hunter Now Halloween weekend offer even more special quests and rewards. 

We hope this guide helps you on your Monster Hunter Now journey, and be sure to grab all the latest Monster Hunter Now codes next.