NBA 2K23 players frustrated by “ridiculous” steal spam issues

Brianna Reeves
nba 2k23 steal spam

Despite improvements to the gameplay mechanics, NBA 2K players continue to run into steal spam issues in NBA 2K23.

For the last several NBA 2K entries, real players and the AI have spammed the stealing maneuver to the chagrin of those who simply want to engage in fair matches.

Reddit threads show that such complaints were making the rounds ahead of NBA 2K18’s release. A similar thread demanding a “new steal system in 2K23” gained quite a bit of traction late last year, as well.

But the latest installment has been out long enough for players to realize that not much has changed on this particular front.

Steal spam remains an issue in NBA 2K23

“Steal spam is still ridiculous,” Reddit user Jaloii recently said of the newest NBA 2K entry. The player notes that while some people seem to think the problem’s been resolved, spamming continues to plague the experience.

And they support this claim with a nearly 30-second gameplay video wherein the defending team steals the ball three times in a row. Each steal occurs just past half-court, making it easy for their opponents to take advantage of a fastbreak.

Other Redditors chimed in to note that running into players with “95+ steal builds” is frighteningly common.

And it’s a problem that could linger for a while, too, considering how “cheap” it is to level up stealing compared to other attributes like ballhandling and playmaking.

Unfortunately, precedent over the past few years suggests NBA 2K23’s steal spam issue won’t be rectified in a patch, either.

NBA 2K23 is out now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.