New World devs promise to fix broken economy in major November update

Connor Knudsen
new world logo

Amazon Games just released a massive New World update that aims to fix the game’s broken economy in the aftermath of currency inflation and gold duplication exploits.

Despite a tumultuous start to Q4, AGS are showing players dedication to fixing the biggest problems in their new MMO when it comes to gameplay, exploits, and its in-game economy. Update 1.0.5 and an emergency fix to the game’s Trading Post and other gold transference are both rolling out on November 3. These should remedy some of the bigger bugs and exploits to improve gameplay. And now, just one day later, an absolutely massive update has just been released from Amazon Games, detailing their plans to fine-tune and effectively fix New World’s economy.

New World economy gets major update

new world fishing skill
New World devs have been fishing out bugs and exploits left and right lately.
In a blog dev post on the New World site, Community Manager ‘Luxendra’ laid out a lengthy update on the game’s most talked-about issues and bugs. This post covered a laundry list of things ranging from more major issues like coin farming to more pressing annoyances like property taxes and images being shown in the game’s chat. Arguably the most pointed area of updating comes with a few things related to the economy of Aeternum. Something that devs feel “is performing within acceptable levels.”

  • Read More: New World’s hilarious casino meta is taking over the endgame

The charts below show the game’s gold going in versus going out, showing that players are continuing to produce a positive difference in gold each day. In the event of this trend going negative, the devs are prepared to take evasive action. “Players are consistently generating a positive gold balance every day,” Luxendra said. “But there is a downward trend. “If this trend continues and we get closer to a negative in-out, we will take action. Our goal isn’t to drive this value to zero, or make it so no one can amass wealth. We want to ensure that overall gold balance per server stays in-check, so coin remains important.” new world gold

new world gold
These charts show the gold balance in a slight overall decline, something devs are monitoring closely.
In order to stay ahead and be preventative about future issues, Amazon Games is making several marquee changes to a few different areas related to the game’s economy. Trading Posts will be linked across settlements and players will get more from Expeditions, among other general fixes that should all culminate to a more stable, positive, and player-centered economy. Those economic updates can be seen below.

New World November 3 economy patch update

new world trade post disabled
The economy in New World continues to change day by day.
General fixes:

  • Reduced Durability lost from PvP deaths by 10%.
  • Extended housing tax periods from 5 days to 7 days, without increasing taxed amount
  • Reduced attribute respec coin cost by 60%.
  • Reduced the quantity of honey gained from apiaries by 50% and the amount of milk from cows by 65%. Honey trees are unaffected by this change. We made this change because the volume of milk and honey in the world is higher than our initial estimates. The bees and cows are happy about this change.

All Trading Posts will been linked. This change was made to strengthen the economies less traveled territories, and ensure item availability in all territories.

  • Fees for buy and sell orders are defined by the Settlement that you’re posting them from.
  • Transaction Taxes on purchases you make are defined by the Settlement in which you are making the purchase.
  • Items listed in sell orders that expire are returned to the Settlement from which they were posted.
  • It is no longer possible to place items on the trading post for 28 days. The maximum is now 14 days.

We are amping the potency of Expeditions by doing the following:

  • Increased coin gained from expedition bosses starting at Starstone Barrows by 25% and ramping up to endgame expeditions by 100% per boss.
  • Reduced the coin cost of each of the tuning orbs and increased the corrupted shards players earn from minor and major Corrupted Breaches.
  • Reduced coin cost of chisels by 20-50% depending on tier.

We’re fixing a few bugs Repair Kits which should help crafters with a new item to sell, as well as lowering repair costs:

  • We fixed an issue that was causing the attribute perk mods to not be usable in crafting repair kits.
  • We fixed an issue that was causing using repair kits to cost coins. Repair kits should only cost coin in the process of being crafted.

Many of the other changes listed in this update are either less pressing or have simply been covered in the two updates earlier in the week. However, if you want to get a full recap, make sure to check out the other posts on the New World forums, the full 1.0.5 patch notes, and the update that squashed the gold duplication exploit.

You’ll want to make sure you’re aware of the multitude of exploits out there, as the developer is set on banning anyone that uses them, even accidentally. More updates are likely to come before the end of the year, so make sure and stay tuned to all of the New World news and updates here at Dexerto.