New World release date delayed after beta success

Nick Farrell
new world delayed

Although New World was originally set to release towards the end of August, Amazon Game Studios has posted a message to its fans that it has, unfortunately, delayed the release of their game. 

The new MMORPG developed by Amazon Game Studios recently concluded its closed beta portion on August 2nd, 2021, which was greatly received by fans worldwide. It’s been a fresh take on a genre that has been dominated by WoW over the years.

However, with the game originally set to be released on August 31, fans would only have to wait a few weeks from the closed beta until they got to dive into the game once again.

Unexpectedly, though, a new developer update has emerged from Amazon Game Studios citing another delay for New World.

New World is set in a gorgeous setting that has wowed fans.

New World Delayed

Over on Twitter, the New World devs posted a new image with some background into their reasoning in delaying the game until September 28, 2021. Their main reasoning was to “smash bugs, improve stability, and polish the game.”

During the beta, there were an ample amount of bugs that were reported by fans, including non-moving NPCs and other such issues that can be frustrating for players.

Their full statement can be viewed down below.

“Along the way, you’ve also given us a ton of feedback that we’ll use to make New World better. We want New World’s launch to be a smooth and fun experience for all players, and that means making some improvements based on what you encountered during Closed Beta. So we’re going to take a few extra weeks to smash bugs, improve stability. and polish the game. New World’s new global launch date is September 28, 2021.”

“This was not an easy decision to make. We know this isn’t the first time we’ve changed our launch date in pursuit of quality, and it can be disappointing to wait a bit longer.”

Streamers and players react to New World delay

The delay of New World is one that a lot of fans saw coming due to the bugs present within the game, and notable streamers and players in the community have been reacting to this news since it broke.

Asmongold expressed his support to Amazon Game Studios noting that the delay was a “Good call” and offered some suggestions they should take in preparation of the game’s release.

Another prominent streamer, JoshOG also stated how “They honestly needed to do this” and further iterated “New World has the potential to be the next big game if they fix the current issues.”

Svenosss commented how “addicted” he was during the beta and was also “very happy you guys delayed this.”

We’re stoked to jump back into New World when it releases on September 28, and hopefully, they can polish the bugs and add some additional features for the main release!