Blizzard Reveals Release Date For the Next Overwatch Map

Joe O'Brien

The release date for the next Overwatch map, Rialto, has been revealed by Blizzard.

Rialto is an Escort map based on the Venice location in which Overwatch Archives mission Retribution takes place. The map will arrive on the live servers on May 3rd.

The new map has been tested on the PTR since April 20th, giving players a chance to experience the map and attempt to identify any bugs or gameplay issues for Blizzard to iron out.

While the map will reach the live servers on May 3rd, it will not immediately be available in competitive play. It will instead be added to the competitive playlist with a later patch, to allow players time to get accustomed to the new map before encountering it in a competitive setting.

This delay follows the pattern of the previous map, Blizzard World, and the latest hero Brigitte, both of which had a delayed entrance to competitive play. Based on feedback that Brigitte’s full-season absence might have been too long, however, it’s possible that Rialto will be added before the end of season ten, which began on April 30th.

The Overwatch Archives event also ended on April 30th, meaning players will not be able to play through either the Uprising or Retribution missions until the event presumably returns at a similar time in 2019. Fans of the latter will at least have a permanent reminder of the event in the form of a brand-new PvP map.