Could four supports become the next Overwatch meta?

Bill Cooney

Ever since GOATS, as anyone who’s watched Overwatch League in 2019 should know, is basically when teams run three supports and three tanks as a team composition.

It’s seen plenty of use in League matches so far, but some fans and Overwatch personalities think that the recent Baptiste patch could be the beginning of the end for GOATS, others aren’t too sure though.

Where did the idea for four supports come from?

In a YouTube video from April 2, Dallas Fuel Assistant Coach Justin “Jayne” Conroy explored the possibility of the next Overwatch meta featuring four supports and two tanks.

French Overwatch team ‘Cry me a River‘ ran a composition featuring Reinhardt, Zarya, Baptiste in place of D.Va, along with Brigitte, Lucio and Zenyatta.

Baptiste and D.Va are both able to counter Zarya’s Graviton Surge ultimate with abilities like Immortality Field and Defense Matrix, so Jayne said it made sense to switch the two out.

“The Baptiste being in the composition instead of the D.Va makes a lot of sense,” Jayne explained in the video. “Baptiste gets to have the benefit of just surviving it instantaneously at the point of their choosing by throwing Invulnerability field on the ground.”

Isn’t “Quad Support” just GOATS?

Quad support replacing GOATS right away seems very unlikely, and most Overwatch League pros have indicated it won’t be going anywhere for Stage 2.

Still, it will be very interesting to see how Overwatch League teams use Baptiste in matches when Overwatch League Stage Stage 2 starts on Thursday, April 4.