Doomfist mains want Overwatch Classic’s DPS version to stay but not everyone agrees

Joshua Chu
Doomfist buffs in ow2

Overwatch’s second “Classic” mode might be called the “Moth Meta,” but it’s the Doomfist mains who are coming out in full force the most.

Overwatch is holding its second Overwatch Classic event which brought the game back to the infamous “Moth Meta” era, a dark time in Overwatch history where Mercy could get up to three or four instantaneous resurrects for fun.

But it’s also a nostalgic period of history where characters like Doomfist, Orisa, and Symmetra had wildly different kits and playstyles prior to extensive reworks. Doomfist, in particular, is notorious for being swapped to the Tank role after spending his time in the original Overwatch as a DPS.

Now, with Overwatch Classic bringing back DPS Doomfist to the fray, Doomfist mains are weighing in on whether or not they prefer this classic hero as a DPS or tank, but not everyone in the community agrees.

Doomfist players are at an impasse

Doomfist players who originally knew him as a DPS are having the time of their lives at the moment, with the return of Doomfist’s controversial uppercut attack and old movement tech. And while the recreation of Doomfist’s kit isn’t exactly 1:1, as is the case of some other characters in this event, it’s close enough to satisfy most Doomfist mains.

“Even though this feels more [like] a replica of DPS [Doomfist] and not actual DPS [Doomfist], it’s still pretty fun to play,” said GetQuakedOn, a well-known Doomfist streamer within the community. “Playing DPS Doom again really makes me think how out of place Tank Doomfist is [right now] and how he should be reworked back to a DPS.”

Many Doomfist players have felt Tank Doomfist is a shadow of his former self, dealing less damage and having feeling less dynamic overall.

Not everyone in the community feels the same way, however. While Doomfist players are having fun with his old kit, others say they were reminded of why they disliked fighting this character in the first place.

“Yeah I do not miss DPS Doom either,” wrote one user in a viral Reddit thread. “At least they still get to have some fun on him this event.”

Another player said fighting against DPS Doom is just frustrating and not fun to go against.

“I know he wasn’t the strongest hero, but he was still frustrating to play against and was badly designed in general,” said this player.

Some players are fine with Tank Doomfist but prefer his old abilities, especially his uppercut ability which gave Doomfist unique movement tech. GetQuakedOn noticed new voicelines for his uppercut ability, and with Blizzard promising “groundbreaking changes” and many players speculating a talent tree system, it seems as if Doom players would settle for return of his old abilities, even if Doomfist stays a tank.

Overwatch Doomfist

“If [Season 15] has a talent tree system I’m never using block if they bring [back] uppercut,” said GetQuakedOn.

Regardless of your stance, DPS Doomfist is here to stay in the Overwatch Classic game mode until February 18. Don’t let Doomfist take all of the spotlight though, as characters like Orisa, Symmetra, Mercy, and Sombra have dramatically different kits compared to the current iteration of the game.

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