Former Overwatch pro Seagull explains why resetting the game’s ranked system would be a nightmare
There’s been a lot of talk on how to improve Overwatch lately and one suggestion that keeps coming up is resetting players Match Making Ranking, or MMR, but former Dallas Fuel player Brandon ‘Seagull’ Padilla is convinced it would be a terrible idea
MMR is what determines what level players compete at on the competitive ladder in games like League of Legends and Overwatch.
In Overwatch, a player’s MMR is determined after placement matches that put the player anywhere from bronze rank all the way up to Grandmaster.
There’s been plenty of talk about how Blizzard needs to reset Overwatch player’s MMR, but Seagull said it had been tried before, and didn’t work then either.
While streaming on December 28, Seagull took a moment to talk about the idea of resetting MMR with viewers.
“It ruins the game for months and months and months, it doesn’t actually do anything,” he told viewers. “People who say they need to reset Overwatch MMR it’s like, no, you don’t do it.”
MMR resets never work out, because according to Seagull it would require everyone who plays Overwatch to come back and play the game again at the same time, like when it first came out.
“Chat, a lot of you don’t know this, Overwatch has reset MMR before,” the streamer told his viewers. “It was a shitfest. It happened in beta, not many people know about that.”
League of Legends does soft MMR resets, but nothing like the hard reset being asked for by some Overwatch fans.
If major changes do come to Overwatch, they’re unlikely to go live before Overwatch League Season Two gets started on February 14, 2019.