Hidden Overwatch voice lines on new Paris map could provide more hints for Hero 30

Bill Cooney

Paris went live in Overwatch on February 19, and now one fan has discovered voice lines that could be part of a future update.

Since the map went live, players have obsessing over the purpose of secret rooms, and scouring Paris for clues on the upcoming hero 30, whose first teaser came out on February 21, shortly after Paris went live.

On Monday, February 25, Reddit user karahe posted voice lines for the Omnic cabaret singer Luna that they found in Overwatch’s game files, and don’t appear to be used in the main game just yet.

Karahe discovered a total of 13 French voice lines that mostly seem to involve heroes already in Overwatch, there are a few that are more difficult to place.

Some of Luna’s hidden voice are pretty easily linked to one character or another. For example, the line “You remind me of someone. Another monk, who came to hear me sing,” is clearly referring to Zenyatta, whose master, Mondatta, must have come to watch Luna perform at some point.

Some of the other lines are much more cryptic though, like “Good day cousin. The cat climbs on the wall and watches.”

Luna even has three other voice lines, which are used in the game that have something to do with cats, watching or both:

  • The cat climbs on the wall and watches. From this height he’s not afraid to fall.
  • If you followed the cat, you’re in the right place my friends.
  • Like a cat, one can tame me and I always land on my feet.

The hidden room on Paris that has stumped players has “nous vous surveillons” written above the door which translates to either “we monitor you” or “we are watching you.”

There’s a good chance these voice lines will be added to the game in a future update along with some other content, exactly when is still unknown though.

The following are all of the unused voicelines for Luna discovered by Karahe:

Déjà de retour, Mme Guillard? Contente de vous voir.

Back already Mme Guillard? Happy to see you.

Vous demandez souvent « Les Saisons de l’amour ». Ce titre doit avoir de l’importance pour vous.

You often ask for « Les Saisons de l’amour » (The Seasons of love). This song must mean something to you.

Vous me rappelez quelqu’un. Un autre moine, qui était venu me voir chanter.

You remind me of someone. Another monk, who came to hear me sing.

Bonjour, cousin. Le chat grimpe sur le mur et scrute.

Good day cousin. The cat climbs on the wall and watches.

Le cabaret Luna est un havre où les omniaques peuvent être eux-mêmes.

Cabaret Luna is a haven where omnics can be themselves.

Quelle rareté ! Je n’avais jamais vu une créature comme vous.

Such rarity ! I’ve never seen a creature like you.

Oh, qu’il est mignon.

Aw, he is so sweet.

(amusée) Vil flatteur.

Oh you flatterer.

Si vous continuez à me regarder comme ça, je vais devoir vous demander de partir.

If you keep on looking at me this way, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.

La sortie est par là, très chère

The exit is right this way, my dear.

Un cow-boy ! Je n’en avais vu que dans des films. Vous êtes loin de chez vous, dites-moi.

A cow-boy ! I’ve only ever seen cowboys in movies. You’re far from home, aren’t you.

C’est rare de rencontrer un humain que la réussite d’un omniaque ne trouble pas. – Je ne vous effraie pas, au moins ?

It is so rare to meet a human unfazed by a successful omnic. I am not scaring you, right?

Vous me dévisagez, ma jolie. Vous aimez ce que vous voyez ?

You’re staring at me, gorgeous(addressed to a woman). Do you like what you see?