Hilarious Kiriko bug in Overwatch 2 reveals the worst time to teleport
BlizzardA ridiculous Overwatch 2 bug has revealed that Kiriko’s teleport isn’t actually helpful on every occasion. Due to a split-second issue that occurs in the spawn room, it’s possible a Swift Step can actually lead to your demise.
When it comes to getting out of danger in Overwatch 2, a few heroes have certain tricks up their sleeves. D.Va can activate her Defense Matrix, Lucio can speed boost his team to safety, and Baptiste even has an Immortality Station to keep everyone alive. But none can teleport quite like Kiriko.
While Symmetra has her separate teleporter that multiple allies can use, Kiriko’s is more of a selfish ability. With the tap of a button, Swift Step can send the hero across great distances, even through walls, to a teammate far away. In theory, this ability should always be helpful, but in practice, it turns out there’s actually a way for Kiriko to fall off the map using this trick.
As Reddit user, ‘Yocas’ unfortunately discovered, if you trigger Swift Step on a teammate in the spawn room, there’s a one-in-a-million chance of dying and having to spawn in again yourself.
While the window is extremely narrow, the bug occurs when an ally is swapping hero. In the split moment they swap from one character to the next, it can offset Kiriko’s teleport. Rather than having her jump toward the spawn room, she instead flies across the map to where the new model is very briefly present.
In this instance, the player was unlucky enough to tap their Swift Step ability at the very right moment to see the bug in action. In the blink of an eye, they were launched back to the first point on Junkertown and sent flying to their doom.
“It took me a couple of [rewatches] to realize exactly what caused this but as the title says, the cause of this was teleporting to a teammate that was in the middle of switching heroes,” the player explained. “You’ll see the moment he switches from Torb to Tracer and I get launched to the edge of the map.”
Making matters worse in this instance, they happened to be in the midst of a heated match on the ranked ladder. Having one of your Supports yeeted across the map to their death certainly isn’t ideal in the competitive mode.
So be sure to keep this minor yet devastating bug in mind moving forward, just in case you ever need to retreat back to spawn in a jiffy as Kiriko.