Overwatch 2 character leaks could hint at upcoming Orisa & Efi storyline

Brad Norton
Blizzard - Overwatch

The narrative of Overwatch 2 will push the story forward with new settings, characters, and opposition. While certain heroes were excluded from the big reveal, recent leaks have indicated a major involvement for Orisa.

With Overwatch 2 having just been unveiled at BlizzCon 2019, fans of the popular hero shooter have been hotly anticipating any scrap of new information.

The first look at a playable story mission from the convention revealed a slew of new mechanics, abilities, and much more, however a wide array of popular heroes were seemingly been excluded from the plot. Despite this, a brand new leak has hinted that Orisa could be a major focus throughout the narrative.

Blizzard - OverwatchVarious heroes received drastic graphical upgrades at the BlizzCon unveiling, perhaps Orisa could be the next in line.

A series of leaked images on November 24 revealed an interesting look at Efi Oladele, the Numbanian inventor responsible for creating the beefy Tank hero known as Orisa.

The images appear to showcase an in-engine model of the character. With numerous expressions on display, there’s no telling just yet whether she will appear in-game or purely just throughout various cutscenes. 

Regardless, a detailed character model undeniably indicates that Orisa’s creator could play a pivotal role in the story. Perhaps more Omnic creations could be coming down the line, or maybe Orisa needs help from the recently reformed Overwatch, there’s no telling until further story information is unveiled. 

Reddit: DocterrificDocWith Overwatch 2 pushing the narrative forward, Efi could be a few years older by the time we meet her in-game.

With her base of operations located in Numbani, this leak could also hint at her involvement in Hero Missions instead, the highly replayable PvE variant that stands alone from the fully fleshed out story mode. 

Reddit user ‘DocterrificDoc’ who shared these potential first looks at the character in-engine, explained how every leak should be taken with a grain of salt until the information is verified by Blizzard themselves however.

“Take every leak with a pinch of salt and you’ll never be disappointed,” they expressed. “These low-rez images often float around and are often fake.”

Reddit: DocterrificDocThere’s no telling who Efi might be talking with throughout this particular scene.

At the young age of 11, there’s essentially no chance that the character will be added into the competitive side of things anytime soon. It will be fascinating to see just how intricately involved the inventor will be throughout the narrative of Overwatch 2 however.

Could more of her ingenious creations be brought to life in the competitive shooter? Only time will tell. Here’s an overview of everything we know regarding Overwatch 2’s story mode thus far.