Overwatch 2 devs reveal competitive overhaul with new ranked tiers

Michael Gwilliam
OW2 ranks explained

New information has been revealed about Overwatch 2’s long-awaited revamp to competitive play and Blizzard is going to be giving players more tools than ever to improve at the hero shooter.

Overwatch’s competitive system has been due for a rework for quite a while now. In the current game, players either gain or lose skill ratings depending on the results of their matches with 5000 being the maximum SR one can reach.

After playing five matches on either DPS, support, or tank, the game determines one’s set skill rating and tier. Of these, the lowest is Bronze followed by Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and finally, Grandmaster.

Overwatch 2 will be launching on October 4 with some major changes to competitive play, revamping the ranked format while providing players new ways to enhance their gameplay.

Overwatch ranks are getting a major overhaul.

Overwatch 2 ranked changes revealed

In Overwatch 2, Blizzard is trying to make it so one’s skill rating isn’t quite as “grandeur” by doing away with ranked numbers and adding new tiers.

Speaking with Dexerto, Game Director Aaron Keller explained that Overwatch 2’s reworked competitive system will affect the way players get ranked and how that rank is displayed.

“Players will no longer get one singular SR rating,” he said. “Each of the tiers in ranked will now have multiple sub-tiers to it.”

Orisa spear
Overwatch 2 is giving players more ways to improve.

One example Keller gave was “rank 2 Gold,” suggesting the new system could be taking some inspiration from League of Legends with this rework. However, it’s not clear if other ranks will be returning and what new ones, if any, will be added.

“What we want is for people to progress through these ranks over the course of each season. And to do that, rather than moving up or down in rank after every match that you play, after you win seven matches, your rank will be updated,” Keller added.

This is a stark difference from the original Overwatch where one’s rank will fluctuate after every game depending on the outcome.

genji uses dragon blade on push
Blizzard is giving players more tools to track their progress.

Overwatch 2 adding new features to help players improve

In addition to OW2’s updated scoreboard to provide more information to players during a match, once their game finishes, they can view a new “after-action report.”

This new after-action report will include additional info about the match to help gamers improve, far beyond what’s currently tracked in the first game. Blizzard says that they’re using feedback from streamers and Overwatch League players to help develop this system.

Keller says that using this system in conjunction with match history replays is designed to help give players key information to help them find things to work on and get better at the game.

Blizzard will have more information about the revamped ranked experience at a later date, but we cannot wait and see how this new competitive system ends up working out once players finally get to try it out for themselves.