Overwatch 2 Game Director responds to players claiming Reinhardt “needs” buffs

Michael Gwilliam
reinhardt using earthshatter in ow2

Overwatch 2 players expecting Reinhardt buffs may be disappointed once the next balance patch comes out.

Blizzard is promising quite a few changes coming to Overwatch 2 in the future. From huge ranked updates to multiple confirmed heroes, there’s a lot to look forward to in the months ahead.

One thing not touched on at BlizzCon, however, was any particular balance changes or reworks to existing heroes for Season 8 – but that hasn’t stopped fans from demanding their mains get more powerful.

In particular, some players have begun requesting for buffs to Reinhardt, claiming that the German tank has been overdue for an upgrade, and Game Director Aaron Keller ended up responding to those concerns.

Reinhardt Overwatch tank problems
Overwatch 2 players think Reinhardt needs some buffs.

Overwatch 2 dev shuts down demands to buff Reinhardt

After confirming that Roadhog’s long-awaited rework would be arriving in just a few days, fans began pestering the Overwatch 2 boss about other changes to the game’s cast.

“When is that Reinhardt Buff coming in? Or are we gonna keep ignoring that the man has needed a buff for what, 3-4 seasons?” a fan inquired, insisting that the tank was in need of some improvements.

However, according to Aaron Keller, Reinhardt is in a pretty healthy place with a positive win-rate across the board.

“Is Reinhardt weak, or does he feel weak? For lower and mid ranks (Diamond and below) he’s roughly tied for the top spot with JQ and Sigma,” the Game Director revealed.

As for the upper echelon of play, Keller further noted that his win-rate is above 50% in Grand Master, seemingly shutting down any possibility of a Reinhardt buff.

The dev’s comments also suggest that Junker Queen and Sigma won’t be getting any buffs either, but with such healthy win rates, there’s always a possibility that they end up getting some nerfs in the future.

With Roadhog’s rework coming very soon and Mauga arriving in Season 8, the Overwatch 2 tank roster is getting some pretty sizable updates, so we’ll have to see how the rest of the cast can stack up against them once the next patch rolls around.