Overwatch 2 players are fed up with this character’s “scumbag” playstyle and want changes

Michael Gwilliam
Agent Colomar Sombra skin in overwatch 2

The Overwatch 2 community is livid at Sombra’s design, and players are urging developers to rework the hero yet again.

For years, Sombra has been one of the game’s most controversial characters thanks to her invisibility and hack ability, which renders other heroes extremely vulnerable to attack.

In the sequel, Sombra was reworked to receive permanent invisibility, allowing her to effortlessly access the enemy backline and eliminate supports.

While the devs have indicated plans to adjust the hero in a future update, players are growing impatient and want some serious updates to her kit as soon as possible.

Players on the Competitiveoverwatch subreddit voiced frustration over how tired they are of dealing with Sombra in a series of threads.

In one post, a player went over the hero’s whole kit, explaining how they don’t find playing against the hero to be fun at all.

sombra jester skin in overwatch 2
Sombra has been a pain for many OW2 players.

“I’m tired of playing support against a character that get can in to backline positions for free, then wait for me to stand still for a microsecond and virus+clip dump my head,” they said. “I’m tired of her having an escape tool the second she’s pressured that is in theory trackable, but good Sombras usually have their escape route planned out well enough anyway.”

“She’s uninteractive and unfun. I’d rather play against 1000 Orisas than 1 Sombra,” the player added.

Commenters largely agreed, with many calling out the hero’s permanent invisibility, noting how other games don’t have characters that are always cloaked.

“What other game has that? Any game I’ve played with invis always has some sort of shimmer, outline, or very quiet footsteps… but no. Sombra is completely and permanently invisible, as well as silent. Who ever thought that was a good idea?”

“She’s just so unfun to go against and her rat/scumbag playstyle makes it feel worse. Like sitting at my spawn waiting for me IN Quickplay,” another chimed in.

A cover art featuring Sombra from the Quicker Play limited-time mode in Overwatch 2.
Sombra’s rework has rubbed players the wrong way.

“Sombra sucks and ruins the Overwatch experience for everyone but her,” echoed someone else. “I get her whole philosophy is built around disabling heroes, but I say at this point redesign the whole philosophy. I would be okay if they just remade her from the ground up, lore be dammed.”

It’s not clear yet what the devs plan to do with Sombra, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that the community isn’t happy with the hero and how she’s taking their enjoyment out of the game.