Overwatch 2 players convinced Tank is now most “miserable” role in Season 9

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot featuring Reinhardt in Overwatch 2.

Season 9 of Overwatch 2 has brought a lot of changes to the game, and according to some players, this has impacted Tanks in the most upsetting way.

Season 9 has finally arrived in Overwatch 2, bringing in a plethora of new changes. Competitive tweaks, new role passives, and Jade Weapons are just some of the new things introduced into the game.

Out of all the changes, as seen from the patch notes, one elephant in the room is new projectile buffs. Right now, the projectile size changes allow projectile-based heroes to be able to hit “inaccurate shots,” at least according to a portion of the player base.

This change has, of course, upset some players, with some deciding to quit the game. According to some players, these changes impact Tanks the most, claiming it to be the most miserable role in Season 9.

In a Reddit thread, one user mentioned that they got placed in Masters 1 because “there’s way too much damage occurring.” Even the health buffs didn’t help since the projectile buffs are “just way too much.”

“Your hitbox is already absolutely massive, then you just get melted by Zen’s Discord and pretty much any hero with a fast fire rate that has a good HS multiplier,” they explained.

The user also mentioned that playing DPS is “100x less stressful and 100x easier to play,” as they managed to climb to GM 3 this season on DPS despite being a Silver 4 DPS last season with no experience in the role.

Supporting this claim, they added: “(As a DPS) I can just deal blasphemous amounts of damage with almost any hero and make fights easy by tanking out tanks because they have already massive hitboxes, and it’s a cakewalk to kill them; discord/anti and the tank is gone.”

Following this take, some players shared their thoughts relating to the OP in the comments. “Tank players out here playing respawn simulator lmao,” mentioned one user, poking fun at how easily Tanks get deleted in team fights.

“Yesterday, I did probably around 10 to 13 games in quick play as a tank, and I ate as many bullets yesterday as I did in a week. It’s like everyone knows how to aim now,” another user wrote.

“Feels like the moment I heal someone else the tank just melts because of the DPS passive,” one chimed in.

A screenshot featuring Ramattra in Overwatch 2.

Some comments pointed out how these changes cater to DPS players, leaving Tank and Support players to “have less fun.” 

Meanwhile, another player mentioned that “the game has gone from ‘don’t shoot Tank first’ to ‘please shoot Tank first’,” as they’re now easier to melt, especially when discorded by Zenyatta. 

They even said, “If you play Zen and have a Bastion duo, the tank lives about 2 seconds each team fight, with nothing the supports can do! My DPS duo and I were killing tanks through double pockets today, and tbh, I kinda felt bad!” 

Chances are we’ll be getting some patches in response to the Season 9 changes, but at the moment, it looks like players will just have to be patient.