Overwatch 2 players demand better Tank counters to Mauga
BlizzardThe dominance of Mauga has led to Overwatch 2’s tank players trying to find a way to fight him that isn’t an extended mirror match.
It might be hard to believe now, but during Mauga’s trial phase at BlizzCon last year, players worried that he was too squishy for the tank role. Fast forward a few months, and it looks like we’ve got the opposite problem.
Mauga’s insane survivability and utility have taken over the average game of Overwatch 2, and like all the oppressive metas before it, players are scrambling to find a decent counter. Sure, they could just lock in Ana, but that doesn’t do much good for the rest of the team.
Seeing as Tank players are probably going to spend the most time punching and shooting their way through Mauga, it makes sense they’re the players struggling to find a good counter, but some of the strategies being cooked up are downright depressing.
Overwatch 2 players search for alternatives to Mauga mirror match
Imagine being a Roadhog player and being told that your best chance to deal with Mauga was to use your entire ult to shoot down his cage. Sounds like a waste, right?
Well, that’s one of the strategies being floated on the Overwatch 2 subreddit to disengage from him. Most of the advice focuses on circumnavigating the Mauga or escaping his ult.
Other tactics included relying on JQ’s anti-heal, cheesing an easy environmental kill with Rein or Hog, and ignoring the problem completely with Doom and just diving the backline instead.
But unfortunately, the best counter to the meta is to join in on it, which is why extended Mauga vs Mauga cage fights have become so common. Here’s hoping Blizzard take a crack at fixing it soon.
For more news and updates on how Mauga is running rampant in ranked, check out how one player went from Bronze to Top 100 with just the latest Tank hero.