Overwatch 2 players disgusted by 3-hour queues for Competitive matches

Andrew Highton
ramattra in overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 queue times have caused quite a discussion lately, with players finding themselves waiting for excessive periods of time for matches to happen – even up to 3 hours it seems.

No one likes queues. In reality, they’re obstacles preventing you from getting to the thing you’re queueing for: gigs, food, toilets, and even online games. Players looking to dive into Blizzard’s Overwatch 2 will inevitably have to queue, and the length of the wait time will vary depending on a multitude of factors.

Fans of the game’s much-debated Competitive mode have been shocked at queue times though. It’s true that as your ranked level grows, the player pool begins to decrease – meaning longer wait times. However, it turns out that certain Overwatch 2 queue times can take up to 3 hours.

Overwatch 2 queue times are long for Competitive

Competitive mode in OW2 has various game modes to enjoy. There’s traditional Open Hero matchmaking, Role Hero matchmaking, and also Mystery Heroes.

In Mystery Heroes, players are assigned random Heroes, encouraging users to become proficient with multiple characters. If Overwatch 2 queue times are anything to go by though, the mode might not actually be that popular, as Reddit user ieatbattery found out.

“To that one guy who thinks I lied about my Mystery Heroes queue times,” the user said in a Reddit post, followed by a picture showing off a 3-hour wait time for the mode.

“It takes me over an hour quite often,” said one user, another person commented: “You can literally get Top 500 with low Diamond and at certain times hour-long queues are the norm,” with one final person commenting: “I was grinding T500 Mystery Heroes this season and I can easily get an average of 1hr queue times. If you were playing at really weird hours (like 3am or something) I could totally see you getting 3-4+ hour queues.”

Other players did propose some solutions to the OP. “I’ve had this happen on QP a few times, it’s just a glitch usually. Restarted game and queues worked fine again,” suggested an OW2 fan, whereas another player added: “Check your nat type on your router.”

This isn’t the only thing that Overwatch 2 players are talking about either. There’s been some anger directed toward Blizzard’s decision to downgrade a premium Orisa skin.