Overwatch 2 players torn on Roadhog’s new rework as Blizzard adds more CC abilities
BlizzardRoadhog’s new reworked kit is here, but Overwatch 2 players are largely split on how impactful the changes will actually be.
Season 7 of Overwatch 2 has been filled to the brim with new content and announcements for future plans thanks to BlizzCon 2023. And in the midst of new K-pop collaborations and a new hero is the release of Roadhog’s long-awaited rework.
Roadhog’s rework has long been teased and players have been afforded a peek into what his new ability, Pig Pen, can do. The rework even changes how his signature Take a Breather works while removing his secondary fire, among other changes.
And the initial consensus on Roadhog’s rework by the community at large is one of mixed reactions.
One of the main criticisms of the rework is his new ability, Pig Pen, is a new addition of another CC effect, which many players aren’t a fan of, especially tank mains who will inevitably have to deal with them.
“You know what Overwatch 2 needs? More slowdown effects!” wrote one user sarcastically on the Overwatch subreddit discussing the rework.
And the addition of another deployable ability in Pig Pen was also not lost on players, as heroes with deployable equipment like Symmetra, Illari, and Baptiste have been rising in the meta.
“Guys I got Sym turrets. I got lamp. I got Torb turret, I got Pylon, I got hog trap,” a player jokingly commented.
However, reactions to the rework to Roadhog’s healing ability were quite positive, as the rework now changes it from the old fixed amount of healing followed by a cooldown to function similarly to D.Va’s Defense Matrix, except it heals and reduces damage.
“Breather changes make it easier to go up against Ana,” a commenter pointed out. “Sometimes you’re anti’d or slept right as your popping Take a Breather and it goes to waste. Now you can cancel it and use it again the moment anti is over, or just use it as soon as you’re woken.”