Overwatch 2 players want one “helpful” feature available to all roles

Michelle Cornelia
overwatch 2's Juno in her trailer

Overwatch 2 players claim one “helpful” feature that only certain characters have would be beneficial for everyone when implemented to all roles.

We’ve all been there before at one point in Overwatch 2. You spawn in and try to rush to the point, thinking you can still save it, especially seeing your teammates still stalling in there. But alas, just as you arrive, everyone’s dead, and you get sent back to the spawn. Again.

Unless you’re playing support, normally, you wouldn’t be able to see whether or not your teammates are low health or critical, which makes engaging in fights a lot harder. 

Granted, the game does have options to let you see allied health bars and outlines behind walls – though they’re not the same. In a Reddit thread, one user claimed that having the feature to see low health and critical allies available to all roles would be beneficial.

“Tanks should be able to see a teammate’s health like this, just as supports can,” explained the user with an image of a D.Va silhouette in yellow. 

Not only would having this feature notify them if their supports are busy healing someone else, but it’ll also give them insight into which teammate they should peel for when they’re in danger. Many other players in the comments agreed with this take, saying it’d be “helpful” if implemented for all the roles in the game.

In the comments, one user suggested that tanks, DPS, and supports should be able to see this even as a “toggleable option.” They added: “It would make picking your fights much better when coming out of spawn since then you would have an idea of how everyone’s HP is doing.”

Another user commented: “Completely agree. I hate when I’m respawning as DPS, see my tank fighting, and think, ‘They’re probably about to die’, then they don’t die, so I think ‘maybe I should go help’, then I go in, and the tank immediately dies.”

Meanwhile, one user said, “Everybody should be able to see team health. It would be very helpful and useful for a bunch of different reasons, and there is no reason not to have all roles be able to see it.”

While it’s unknown if something like this will be added in the future, it’s certainly something that can make coordinating pushes much easier regardless of the role.