Overwatch 2’s Cowboy Bebop Wrecking Ball skin is missing this key detail

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot featuring the Ein Wrecking Ball skin from the Cowboy Bebop collab in Overwatch 2.

One Overwatch 2 player has pointed out that the Ein Wrecking Ball skin from the Cowboy Bebop collab is missing a key detail when used on a certain emote.

The Overwatch x Cowboy Bebop collab is now live in the game, featuring Cassidy, Ashe, Sombra, Mauga, and Wrecking Ball “cosplaying” as characters from the iconic series. 

Out of all these skins, Wrecking Ball’s Ein skin is one that players can earn for free just by completing a set of challenges. While this is a welcome addition, especially to Wrecking Ball mains, one player has noticed an issue when using a certain emote with this collab skin.

Normally, when using the Hamster Dance emote for Wrecking Ball, Hammond can be seen jamming while his mech lets out a beat. However, for some reason, this was not the case for the Ein skin from the Cowboy Bebop collab.

This discovery was shared in a clip attached to a Reddit thread, where Hammond was seen dancing around in silence while the skin was equipped. Seeing this, some players in the comments were convinced that the Ein skin might be bugged.

Despite that being a likely case, the OP took this opportunity to mix the emote with Cowboy Bebop’s opening song in the clip posted, which left some players wishing this was an actual thing in the game.

One user wrote; “Missed opportunity to add more cowboy bebop music. They put it everywhere else.” Though as some players have pointed out, that would be unlikely considering the song is directly licensed from the show.

“If they used the music from the show for this Emote then they’d have to license it and pay a lot of money constantly to Bandai Namco. They’d then also be at the complete mercy of Bandai,” explained one user.

Another user couldn’t help but wonder if this could have been the original intention, theorizing that devs “couldn’t get in time,” hence why the beat on the emote does not play when this skin is equipped.