Overwatch: Blizzard reveal when Wrecking Ball will be enabled after game-breaking bug

Joe O'Brien

Blizzard have given an update on when Xbox Overwatch players can expect to see Wrecking Ball back in competitive play.

Following the June 18 update, players on Xbox encountered a game-breaking bug in which Wrecking Ball using his ultimate at the same time as another player on his team used theirs would cause enemy players to disconnect from the game.

Not only are the consequences of such a glitch massive, especially in competitive play where disconnects could result in losses for the team and additional punishments for the disconnected players, but the bug could be deliberately exploited by Wrecking Ball players who were aware of it.

Wrecking Ball’s Minefield was causing a game-breaking bug.

In response, Blizzard have disabled Wrecking Ball in competitive play on Xbox while they work on fixing the issue.

Thankfully, however, it seems Wrecking Ball players will be able to use their hero of choice again soon, as an Overwatch developer stated that Blizzard were expecting to have a solution ready by Monday June 24.

“Hey there, we’re sorry Wrecking Ball has been MIA on XB1. We have a fix going into certification now and we’re targeting Monday to have him back.

Thanks for being so patient while we working through this one, it was a gnarly one.”

While there likely won’t be an absolute confirmation that the issue has been addressed until the fix appears in-game, it seems likely that fans of Wrecking Ball will be able to play as their favorite hamster quite soon.

Based on previous years, a reveal for the next new hero would be expected to arrive towards the end of June or the very start of July, but Jeff Kaplan has suggested their might be some changes to the standard schedule.

Whether that means the next hero might come a little later than normal, or a new event of some kind could be forcing a change in schedule to accommodate, remains to be seen, but many players are expecting some sort of news within the next week or so as July approaches.