Overwatch developer discusses new World Cup features and hero buffs in latest update

Bill Cooney

In the latest Developer Update, Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan introduced a new third-person observer system that will be introduced for the Overwatch World Cup at BlizzCon and talked about upcoming changes to several heroes. 

The new observer system will be called, for now, the Overwatch World Cup Viewer, and will allow users to watch the matches as they happen live from an observer point of view in game, this means users will be able to move the camera and get any view they want of the action.

It will also allow users to watch replays of semifinals and finals matches at Blizzcon and be able to control playback speed while they do.

Even though the feature will only be available through a special version of Overwatch on PC, t’s a feature that Kaplan and the Overwatch team hope to make available to all Overwatch players, on PC and console, sometime in the future.

“By testing the beta version of the Overwatch World Cup viewer, it allows us to work on the tech that will one day will allow us to bring these features to all of Overwatch both PC and console, not only in an esports setting, but all of us as individuals,” Kaplan told viewers in the update.

Even though the new feature was just announced, it’s already receiving praise from many in the community who see it as a big step forward for Overwatch esports.

Kaplan also touched on upcoming changes and buffs to heroes including Mercy’s Valkyrie ultimate and Roadhogs hook and shotgun consistency.

These are two heroes that the community has been ravenously demanding change on for quite some time, especially Mercy, so any news concerning those two, whatever the changes may be, is definitely welcome.  

A full list of the changes in the upcoming patch can be found here.