Overwatch fans have created some incredible artwork to show their love for the new Ana skin

Bill Cooney

Overwatch has some of the most creative fans around, so when the new Ana Bastet skin was announced, it was only a matter of time before people began making awesome artwork inspired by it.

The new Bastet skin was made available on January 7 as part of the Overwatch Bastet Challenge, which requires players to simply win nine games in any mode to acquire.

There’s also several new sprays and a victory pose to unlock, but what seems to have caught fans attention is Ana’s Egyptian god inspired skin.

The skin features Ana wearing a mask of the Ancient Egyptian god Bastet, who had the head of a cat and served as guardian of the Pharaohs.

Talented Overwatch fans have been able to produce pretty mind-blowing in the few days since the skin was revealed.

Ana is one of Overwatch’s most popular heroes and it’s clear she brings out the creative side in the game’s community.

Sprays have also been made available for those watching Overwatch streamers with in-game drops enabled. A total of seven sprays are available for fans who watch up to six hours of streaming.

Overwatch fans have until January 21 to win nine games and collect all the rewards from Ana’s Bastet Challenge.