Overwatch player creates new competitive mode inspired by Call of Duty’s Uplink

Joe O'Brien

An Overwatch player has created an epic competitive game mode inspired by Call of Duty’s Uplink.

Using the Overwatch Workshop, u/TheDonOfDons has put an Overwatch spin on an Uplink-style mode, which involves both teams battling over a neutral ‘ball’ that must be carried and thrown into the enemy’s goal.

While carrying the ball, players are ‘hacked’, meaning they cannot use any of their abilities – Tracer cannot simply dash to the point after grabbing the ball, for instance.

The Workshop allows players a huge amount of freedom to create custom games.

There are heroes that can use their abilities for more than just fighting the enemy, however – some abilities, such as Roadhog’s hook, Genji’s deflect, and Ashe’s coach gun, can interact with the ball to reposition it.

Unlike the Call of Duty version, there’s no automated passing mechanic, but the ball can simply be thrown between players to rapidly reposition the objective and take advantage of open space. The first team to score 5 goals, or the team with the highest score after 15 minutes, wins.

The mode currently features support for four maps, which can be played with the following share codes:

  • Workshop codes: Lijiang Night Market – XA6K8
  • Nepal Sanctum – 5JK7F
  • Busan Downtown – WQXDN
  • Ilios Lighthouse – 2032M

The creator has stated, however, that they plan on adding more going forward. While the mode can obviously be played for fun, u/TheDonOfDons also hopes to foster a competitive community around it, and is planning on hosting an “OverBall Cup”.

Unlike most Overwatch game modes, OverBall is designed to be played 5v5, rather than the standard 6v6. For those that use any of the modes, a Torbjörn bot must be added to the sixth slot on each team in order to make the game function correctly.