Overwatch players are not enjoying the new Doomfist changes

Bill Cooney

Doomfist got a pretty major nerf in Overwatch’s December 11 update, and the changes have not gone over well with his fans.

The changes in the recent patch reduced the damage of Doomfist’s ultimate and reduced the range of his Seismic slam from 20 to 15 meters.

Now, players and streamers are discovering how big an impact the changes are actually having on the hero.

Streamer and top-ranked Doomfist player Brandito said on stream he thought he could probably get a better win percentage with Symmetra than the new Doomfist.

Philip ‘ChipSa‘ Graham, another top-level Doomfist and streamer, gave viewers a first hand look at the hero’s changes, and lost it for a bit, when he failed to take out a baby D.Va with Meteor Strike.

“Holy shit this hero is useless,” ChipSa lamented to viewers during stream. “I hit that within an inch perfect of a mini D.Va and I didn’t kill her.”

Fans have already gone through one cycle of nerfs and buffs earlier in the year with the hero, with his last buff happening in June.

But, with the way Overwatch’s update schedule for heroes goes, players might just have to adapt to the changes for now.