Overwatch players demand fix for matchmaking bug banning accounts

Michael Gwilliam
Soldier 76 runs into battle

Overwatch players are asking Blizzard to look into a bizarre matchmaking glitch that is causing the game to ban accounts for no reason.

As players anxiously await news on the next Overwatch 2 beta, fans have returned to the original game and have found themselves experiencing some pretty annoying issues. In Overwatch, leaving a competitive match before it begins or shortly thereafter will automatically cancel the game and hand the leaver a punishment in the form of a brief suspension. While this concept is good at deterring players from flat out avoiding certain maps or players, when bugs occur causing the match to abruptly end, it can have some major consequences.

Overwatch bug bans apply
Apply was banned due to an Overwatch bug.

Players want Overwatch devs to fix queue glitch

As shown by Overwatch streamer Apply, after first queuing into Temple of Anubis, the game took some time to load, before suddenly switching to Blizzard World with no players on either team.

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Shortly after, the streamer was kicked to the main menu, and due to previous incidents with leaving or other glitches, he was banned for a whopping eight hours. In search of assistance, the Twitch streamer tagged Blizzard, The Rock, Oprah, Lebron James, and the FBI in the tweet, hoping for some help. Though, it’s unclear what a former pro wrestler, talk-show host, and the second-best NBA player of all time could do. https://twitter.com/Apply/status/1531765538296242176 Other users noted their own experiences with the glitch, explaining how it happens to them on a frequent basis. Some just mocked Blizzard for the state of the game in 2022.

“If you got one of those games where it says ‘game found’ but it doesn’t put you in, don’t spam click rejoin or else you get comp banned,” fellow Twitch streamer GetQuakedOn advised. It’s unclear if Blizzard has any plans on fixing the issue, especially with the devs hard at work on Overwatch 2, but until the second beta arrives, players may need to tread carefully when queuing into competitive games.