Overwatch players discover game-breaking Genji & Lucio bugs in new patch

Michael Gwilliam
Genji uses Dragonblade

Overwatch’s new Experimental patch featuring some of the most ridiculous hero balance changes we’ve ever seen has gone live, but unfortunately, it has quite a few game-breaking bugs alongside it.

The bugs vary, but the two biggest issues come in the form of giving Genji everlasting endless Dragonblade ultimate and letting Lucio kill his own teammates or even slow them down.

Both heroes were changed quite drastically in the new patch, which was designed by a panel of streamers and pros so it’s likely that these modifications are to blame for the problems.

With Genji, the patch made it so that the duration of Dragonblade would increase by one second with each kill he gets, but it seems like it wasn’t programmed properly.

Now, if the cyborg ninja gets a kill at the very last second, Dragonblade lasts forever. This basically completely breaks the hero because he has the ultimate available all the time.

The one drawback is that this leaves him without a ranged attack, but it hardly matters when he can just Swiftstrike in, kill and dash out to safety.

Lucio, on the other hand, is now proving to be quite problematic for teammates. In some clips, the support hero can kill his own allies using Crossfade.

As you can see in the kill feed in this Reddit clip, the Genji player literally dies to his own Lucio’s Crossfade ability. How Crossfade of all things ends up scoring an elimination is just bizarre, but it’s right there. Strange to say the least.

Additionally, players have reported that Lucio is now causing teammates to slow down or even stop completely – the opposite effect that the hero is supposed to have. As such, picking Lucio in this state is probably the worst option out of all 32 heroes Overwatch has to offer.

So far Blizzard has yet to respond to these bugs, but the developers should be looking to fix these problems, especially with the Overwatch League Experimental patch tournament coming this weekend.