Overwatch players discover secret Junkrat buff in latest patch

Bill Cooney

The latest Overwatch patch brought a ton of updates to the game, and players have discovered Junkrat seems to have gotten an unnoted buff as well.

The Overwatch patch on March 19 brought a new support hero, Baptiste, into the game, and also updates for over half of the game’s heroes, including Junkrat, who had his primary fire damage increased from 40 to 50 damage per grenade.

It also changed how knockbacks and momentum work in the game, and it appears this change seems to have given Junkrat a secret buff.

Blizzard Entertainment

Besides the obvious heroes who benefit from the change, like Pharah and Lucio, Reddit user Bajef said in a post they noticed Junkrat’s grenade launcher seemed to knock enemies back more and jumping with his mine was better as well.

“His nades now noticeably move enemies upon impact, making it feel like the CC/knockback from his primary fire actually do something,” Bajef wrote. “Mine jumping feels way better, especially when you need to act quick.”

Players in the comments of Bajef’s post agreed that the Australian seemed to be more mobile and disruptive after the update, not just because of the increase to damage, but also the increased knockback from primary fire as well.

Blizzard Entertainment

Along with the buffs, Junkrat did get one nerf: his ultimate now takes 10% more charge to become available, but with the additional damage from primary fire, this shouldn’t be too big of an issue

The latest Overwatch update is still fresh, so players are sure to discover more “secret” update as time goes on.

About The Author

Bill is a former writer at Dexerto based in Iowa, who covered esports, gaming and online entertainment for more than two years. With the US team, Bill covered Overwatch, CSGO, Influencer culture, and everything in between.