Overwatch players find amazing easter eggs in new Anniversary event skins

Michael Gwilliam
Funky baptiste skin

The Overwatch Anniversary event has introduced loads of new skins for many of the game’s characters and they’re loaded with neat little secrets.

Finally, the 2021 Overwatch Anniversary event is upon us and fans can have a chance to play through all the old event-exclusive game modes from other events for the next few weeks.

Plus, players have a chance to unlock all of the old event-exclusive cosmetics too. Of course, there are plenty of new ones to go around too.

It’s not uncommon for Blizzard to pack their skins with loads of references and also goodies, but they really outdid themselves with some of these new cosmetics.

Perhaps the best one comes with Baptiste’s new Funky skin. When you equip it on the support hero, funky music will begin to play, completely matching the theme.

Whenever a skin has its own sound effects, it adds another layer to it that further separates it from the rest of a hero’s cosmetic catalog.

For Junkrat, his Junkfood skin seems to be inspired by the Candy Land character of King Kandy. His weapon has some interesting touches too.

His frag launcher is loaded with candy brands found within the Overwatch world including what appears to be “Kang-O Candy” and “Sugar Crash.”

Additionally, his mine looks like a jelly donut, which is a nice touch to keep with the theme.

Meanwhile, Sombra’s Black Cat skin has one of its best features hiding in plain sight with her tail. Despite being a cat, it keeps with the idea of Sombra being a black hat computer hacker, and the tail is more technological than animal.

Sombra black cat
Sombra’s Black Cat skin is puuurfect.

A computer cable as a tail is a good cross between her lore and the cat theme.

The 2021 Overwatch Anniversary has only just started, so as the event rolls on, there is no doubt that even more easter eggs and secrets will be discovered. We can’t wait to see what fans are able to find next!