Overwatch reveals awesome new Hanzo Lunar New Year Skin

Bill Cooney

On Saturday, January 19, Overwatch revealed another new skin for Lunar New Year 2019, this time for Hanzo. 

Overwatch’s Lunar New Year event happens every year around the end of January or at the beginning of February and features skins and other cosmetics inspired by New Year’s celebrations in several Asian countries.

Reaper was the first to get a new look for this year’s event with his Lu Bu skin, and now it’s Hanzo’s turn.

Hanzo’s new Lunar New Year skin is called Huang Zhong, and it gives him an epic white beard along with a look that would fit right into a Dynasty Warriors game.

Like Reaper’s Lu Bu skin and some other Lunar New Year skins, Hanzo’s Huang Zhong skin is based on a legendary figure in Chinese history of the same name.

Hanzo now has a Lunar New Year skin to go along with Genji’s awesome skin and make player’s Shimada duos look even more legit.

Hanzo’s is only the second new skin to be revealed so far for Lunar New Year’s Year of the Pig, and there will be plenty more before the event starts next week.

Overwatch’s Lunar New Year event starts on January 24 and ends on February 18, in addition to new skins, players will also have the opportunity to earn sprays and other unique cosmetics.