Overwatch reveals upcoming Reaper story with brand new lore

Bill Cooney

Overwatch has revealed an upcoming short story collection, which will include some brand-new Reaper lore.

Over the last few years, Overwatch short stories have become one of the main ways for Blizzard to dive deeper into its heroes’ history.

Multiple heroes, like Ana, Mercy, Baptiste, and Symmetra, have been fleshed out with these tales. An Overwatch short story collection was announced on December 13 along with a teaser for a narrative focused on Reaper.

New Reaper lore coming soon

A new collection of Overwatch stories spotted online has the book scheduled for an August 2022 launch. Included on the cover are Mercy, Symmetra, Ana, and Baptiste, along with Reaper at the very top.

This is interesting because there hasn’t been a Reaper short story yet and not too much background lore in general for the DPS hero.

Not only that, each short story has also come with its own limited-time event and skin as well. This means that we should see a new Reaper story and mini-event happen before August 2022, going by Blizzard’s usual system.

Reaper Overwatch Blackwatch
Reaper will finally be getting lore sometime in 2022.

There’s no telling what the skin could look like just yet, but it should be tied into the short story somehow. If that’s the case, then we could also get a player icon and spray but that remains to be seen.

Reaper has been a part of the Overwatch roster since day one but, apart from appearances in other heroes stories, we honestly don’t know a whole lot about the shadowy Talon operative.