Overwatch streamer gets stuck in a hilarious rut
There are a few spots on several Overwatch maps players can get somewhat stuck in, Overwatch streamer Calvin ‘Aimbotcalvin’ Chau found this out in the funniest way possible while playing Widowmaker on the Ilios Lighthouse stage.
While defending the point with Widowmaker, Calvin gets into a side battle with the enemy Wrecking Ball and after grappling to get a better vantage point, he finds himself stuck between the Ilios roofs.
As he slides off of the roof, the streamer reassures his team “I’m good, I’m good, don’t worry about it, I’m good,” while laughing hysterically.
He stops just before falling off the roof and turns around to see the enemy Hammond has decided to join him and be stuck on the roofs, too.
This causes Calvin to absolutely lose it, right before the opposing Hammond decides to help him get off the roof by eliminating the streamer.
Plenty of players have gotten stuck on the Ilios roofs before, some even use them to get around, but this clip from Calvin has to be one of the funniest situations ever captured up there.
Calvin, who’s competed in Overwatch tournaments in the past, said he recently turned down a substantial offer to enter the Overwatch League and is choosing to remain a streamer and entertainer going forward.