Streamer explains why there are no healers in Overwatch

Bill Cooney

Support heroes are commonly thought of as mainly healers on the Competitive Overwatch ladder, but streamer and Overwatch coach Spilo told viewers on stream that healing shouldn’t be considered the main thing these heroes are capable of.

The streamer starts out the clip by boldly claiming that “There is not a single character in Overwatch that’s a healer, there are only supports.”

“Supports can support you via healing,” he continued. “But that is never, ever the only extent by which they can support you.”

“They can support you via sleep darts and their grenades and their discords and their damage, their damage boost, speed boost, their boops, their stuns,” Spilo told viewers as he listed all the ways supports can be used other than healing.

“If you are going into Overwatch and you’re displeased because your heals are not providing enough for your team to succeed it’s because you’re ignoring the fact that you have the rest of your kit by which to win the game,” the streamer asserted to viewers.

Focusing simply on healing instead of fully utilizing a support hero’s kit is a mistake a lot of players make, Spilo said.

So the next time you’re queueing up for a match, try to think of all the abilities a support hero brings to the table, not just raw healing output.